Sunday, April 17, 2011

16APR Sat – Fish Market Kuwait

16Apr Sat – we woke early to take the 6:30AM bus to the Fish Market in the Sultan Center about 8 miles away. The Sultan Center is a large modern grocery store and variety store in a very modern shopping mall. Part of the Sultan Center is a produce vegetable and fruit market, a meat market with goats, sheep, and chickens and a fish market where the fishermen bring in the catch of the day.

At 7am each day in the fish market they spread a large blue rip stop nylon trap on the marble floor. The fishermen park their boats just outside and start bringing in woven bags, plastic sacks, and large plastic containers with many varieties of fresh fish they just caught in their early morning run.

The fish are arranged in piles on the blue tarp. The fisherman or their brokers stands near their pile of fish. Some fish are sold before the market opens but most wait until the opening. At about 10 minutes to 8am, I heard a sound like a bell and everyone seem to start talking at once. Initially I was not paying much attention and it seems like small chaos. However, on observation I saw that the fish brokers/sellers were holding a mini auction at each one of the piles of fish.

The marketing was heating up; people were biding and buying. Of course, the talking was Arabic so I could not understand what they were saying but the actions were very much like the trading floor of the New York Stock Exchange. All at once a fist fight started. I did not understand the reason. A very large security guard put a bear hug around one of the fighters and literally carried him to outside away from the crowd. I had to jump quickly to get out of his way.

We wanted to buy crab but I think the crab must be out of season. There on small pile of crab with a very high price no one else had any. As compared to a few days ago there was a lot of fresh crab and cheap prices. This market is a true microcosm of price changes based on supply and demand. We purchased two squid and shrimp to prepare for dinner today.

With the bags of fish and groceries we paid for a taxi on the way back.

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