Friday, March 9, 2012

State of California forces Coke and Pepsi to change formula

In the news today -- the State of California forces Coke and Pepsi to change a chemical used in the product around the world.   Cokes and Pepsi drinks are not healthy but I do not want the state of California dictating what they can put into their formulas.

I do not smoke but I do not like the government telling me that I cannot smoke in public places.

I do not eat trans-fat but I do not want the City of New York telling restaurants they cannot put trans-fat in their foods.

Not all parents fix the healthiest lunches for the children but I do not want the government run schools in North Carolina to inspect the lunches that pre-Kindergarten kids bring to school and then decide that chicken nuggets provided by the school are healthier than the a turkey and cheese sandwich provided by the mom.

I personally know an organic farmer near Des Moines IA who was told he could not pack lunch for his kids; they had to eat the food the school provided. 

Do you trust anyone in government to decide what is healthy or not healthy for you to eat or smoke.   Stories abound about the government wanting to control the food we can eat or not eat. 

USDA Buys 7 Million Pounds of ‘Pink Slime’ For School Lunches -

Does the FDA, USDA, or Government-funded Scientists have our best interests or health in mind when they want to decide and control what we eat.

Friday, March 2, 2012

What if you were starting to check in to a hotel and were told:

  • You have to check in at the hotels convenience and be placed in a room that that hotel chose 
  • If they hotel was not ready, you had to wait with many others in a waiting room until they were ready
  • You will be disturbed when the hotel decides to knock on your door and disturb you
  • You will share your room and bathroom with one or more strangers who are sick and my be dying
  • You will be expected to sleep at a time the hotel chooses. The room to your door will be left open so that you will be exposed to noise, light, and passing personnel throughout the night
  • You will be exposed to many harmful bacteria, which could lead to an antibiotic-resistant infection that might kill you
  • The hotel cannot tell you how much money they will charge you because they do not know yet how many doctors will examine you, what tests and procedures wil be performed on you, and how long you will remain in the hotel
  • Even though you may be curious why the hotel personnel keeping sticking needles in you, strapping you on to machines, putting fluids in you, giving you enemas, and inducing other discomforts, we are not obligate to inform your our reason for these procedures
  • You cannot check out until the hotel gives you permission to leave and forces you to sign all kinds of papers.
(Adapted from Disease Prevention & Treatment from Life Extension Media)

The best advice is to stay out of them – Hospitals.
